A critical day on trade

People Before Profit – A Critical Date on Trade

LitteraturHaus at Møllegade 7

How can we balance the political power of huge transnational corporations - if at all? How can we stop transnational corporations from violating human rights and dictating policy of states, thereby eroding the foundations of democracy? On Sunday the 18th of March the Network on Trade Solidarity invites you to a Critical Date on Trade


15:00-15:15: Welcome and introduction to the Network on Trade Solidarity

15:15-16:15: Elizabeth Mpofu – La Via Campesina International – Trade policy and small-holder farmers                    

Our first speaker will be General Coordinator of La Via Campesina, Elizabeth Mpofu, who is living in Zimbabwe. La Via Campesina is a global peasant movement representing over 200 million farmers in 81 countries. Elizabeth Mpofu will speak on how global trade structures affect small-holder farmers in the Global South.

16:15-16.30: Break – Tea, Coffee, Beer and Soda for sale

16:30-17:30: Anne van Schaik – Friends of The Earth – Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights

Our second speaker will be Anne van Schaik, corporate accountability campaigner from Friends of the Earth Europe. Anne van Schaik will talk about the ongoing negotiations of a United Nations Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights. For more information see https://bindingtreaty.org/

17:30-18:00: Questions and Debate: Perspectives and alternatives for a more just trade policy.

Free entry - the meeting is in English.

Registration required before March 16th to info@afrika.dk.

The Network on Trade Solidarity consists of Afrika Kontakt, NOAH, Central America Committee (MAK) and Colombia Solidarity. For more information see http://www.globaltfokus.dk/aktuel-blog/31-aktuelt-om-puljen/362-nyt-netvaerk-tid-til-retfaerdighed-og-baeredygtighed#subscribe   



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