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Where are we heading with the European Green Deal

Where are we headed with the European Green Deal?

Global Aktion
Wesselsgade 2, st - 2200 København N

By December, it has been four years since the European Green Deal was first launched. The launch of the deal triggered a lot of law amendments, as well as new regulations and directives, all aimed at supporting and furthering the green transition in the EU. But what has actually been happening within the framework of the European Green Deal lately? What direction is the EU climate policy taking? And what can we do to influence it?Emil Brix from NOAH will join us to make a status of the European Green Deal. We will talk about the latest and upcoming developments, as well as what we can do to ensure that EU politicians put people and planet before profit. True to the season, we will serve æbleskiver (a traditional Danish christmas cake). So bring a friend and join us for a cosy and informal afternoon of EU-knowledge sharing. Tell us that you're coming here: https://www.facebook.com/events/872745414348727 Finansieret med tilskud fra Europa-Nævnet. Ansvaret for indholdet er alene tilskudsmodtagers.


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