Which Role does Art Play in Youth Education for Sustainability? Can Art Challenge Marginalisation?
Nørrebrogade 39, 1. tv., 2200 København N
Presentation and discussion of NOAH activist Johanna Paschen’s M.Sc. dissertation
Language: English
Entrance free, Snacks & Drinks provided!
Reducing marginalisation in youth education for sustainability is crucial since it strives to teach and understand environmental and social justice.
However, applying and practising social and environmental sustainability in teaching institutions or organisations still has to be improved.
This afternoon we will explore the role of art in European youth education for sustainability. We'll look at, how potentials of art can transform dominant Western industrial cultural assumptions in European youth education for sustainability to reduce marginalisation.
Link to dissertation: https://lup.lub.lu.se/student-papers/search/publication/9097261